Paulton & District Skittle League

All you need is right here right now  -  Please browse around

How to report your Match Results:-  Your option are:-

1.  Send a WhatsApp text to Neil  -  Send a TEXT or take a PHOTO of your score BOOK and send it to Neil Cradock on:-  07498 680813  Texts/pics must contain:- Date of Match,  Team Names,  League or Cup,  Pin & Points Totals.

2.  Submit an On-Line Result Form (Go to our 'Result Forms' page)

3.  Send in your Results CARD to Graham, as we do now, by the following Tuesday please.

You only need to do ONE of the above options.  If you’re doing option 1 or 2 please try to do it within 48 hrs of the match.  Remember you do not need to fill out/send in a score CARD if choosing option 1 or 2. 

Highest Score to date is 69.   Please highlight or circle scores equal or higher on your score Card/Book.

Headline News:- 

Misfits have resigned from the league - Division 3 table has been recalculated !

It is the captain's responsibility to check who your team has drawn in the cups !   Not checking the website and finding out is no excuse. If you do not contact your opponent within 7 days of the draw you could be eliminated from the competition (see rule 24).  All draws and 'Draw Schedule' is on the  All Cups page.

Other News....
Need a Sticker up ?   please see below. πŸ”½

Members Zone.   This area is password protected.   If you don't know the password please contact the Website manager (contact details at the bottom of the Home page).  We urge all members to look around our website, all that you need is here.  Captains please check out our 'Captains Log' page to see if we have all your details correct.  Thank you.

Short on Players !   If your team is struggling for players, please let us know, one teams demise maybe another teams salvation.  I know there are teams out there looking for players, so please share it here.  Let’s keep playing. πŸ‘

Food.  If teams are not serving food after matches, please let us know.  You will be added to our 'No Food' list below.

If you would like your local Pub / Club linked then let us know and we'll add you to our 'Forms & Friends' page.

Polite reminder All Matches start @ 8.45pm

 If it's a sticker up you're needing
then look no further...

> Have parent - can travel ! <

SU #1.  My son is 14 years old and is keen and can stick up on Wednesday evenings.  (Radstock/Westfield area)  Please call Becky on 07595 507310. Thank you.

SU #2.  My son is keen and can stick up on Wednesday or Thursday evenings.  (Norton/Radstock area).  Please call Amy on 07715 548201.  Thank you.

SU #3.  My daughters are keen and can stick up on Wednesday or Thursday evenings.  (Norton/Radstock area).  Please call Samantha on 07969 772169. Thank you

SU #4.  My son is keen and can stick up on Wednesday or Thursday evenings.  (Norton/Radstock area).  Please call Nicola on 07969 188742. Thank you

SU #5.  My son is keen and can stick up on Wednesday evenings.  (Paulton/Norton area).  Please call Gary on 07793 434797. Thank you

Mums/Dads if your son/daughter gets a sticker up job please ley me know so I can remove the notice - Thank you.

🎳🎳🎳>  OFFICIAL STUFF  <🎳🎳🎳

The NO FOOD List.   The following teams have told us that will not be serving food at home matches.
Div 1:- Charlton Aces, Chewton Exiles, Knighthawkes, Magpies, Roughedges,
Div 2:- Headless Chickens, Herberts,  
Div 3:- The Gravediggers, The Misfits, Pin Busters, Young Gunz,  
Div 4:- Riverside Rollers,  
Div 5:- Mission Impossible,  The Rec

These above teams will not expect to be served food at away matches.  Thank you.

Meeting Minutes (pdf)

Meeting & Cup Draw dates

Draw Schedule 24-25.pdf Draw Schedule 24-25.pdf
Size : 5.868 Kb
Type : pdf

Next Meeting is on Friday 16th May @ Peasedown CC. 8pm.

Our AGM will be on Friday 13th June @ Radstock Working Mens Club. 8pm

The Paulton & District Skittle League - Charity Donations

League Chairman Paul Derrick presenting

this season's charity donation of

 Β£1,500 to Ruby Guymer-Parker

from the RUH Charity Fund

at our AGM on Friday 14th June 2024.

Read letters from RUH.
PDSL - RUH Letter.pdf PDSL - RUH Letter.pdf
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Type : pdf

PDSL Charity Donation-RUH.jpg PDSL Charity Donation-RUH.jpg
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Our 2024 - 2025 Charity Nominees so far are:-

Luckington Carnival Club.

NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) at Bath RUH

Dorothy House Hospice - Winsley

Children's Hospice South West. (

All above charities will be discussed at our final meeting in May 2025 and a vote will be cast by all attending members. The chosen nominee or nominees will then be informed and invited to attend our AGM where monies will be donated.


The Committee feel that Charity nominations must come from members proposals.

Charity's contacting us asking for donations is not what our league is about.

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