Paulton & District Skittle League

AGM Attendance 14 June 2024.pdf AGM Attendance 14 June 2024.pdf
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PDSL Income and Expenditure 23-24.pdf PDSL Income and Expenditure 23-24.pdf
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All registration forms need to be in asap or by the end of July at the latest.

Registration Form   -   On-line Registration Form   -  Team Awards

We are introducing 'WhatsApp' reporting of match scores, (trial for next season).

Your options are:-

1. Send a WhatsApp text or pic to Neil  -  Send a text or take a photo of your score card or score book and send it to Neil Cradock on:-  07498 680813  Texts/pics must contain:- Date of Match, Team Names, League or Cup, Pin & Points Totals.  Note:- Both captains need to sign the Score Book if you take a photo of it.

2. Submit an On-Line Result Form (Go to our 'On Line Forms' page)

3. Send in your Results Card to Graham, (as we do now)

You only have to do ONE of the above.  If you’re doing option 1 or 2 please try to do it within 24 hrs after the match. If you are sending in your card please try to do so asap or before the following Monday. Thank you.

If WhatsApp proves successful and quicker then we will probably adopt it for our league the following season, as per the rules this will have to be approved by the majority at next season's AGM 👍

We have had three new teams join our league, so at present we have 79 teams in our league, that is if all existing teams are re-entering.  We still have 20 teams to do so !   If they do and no teams resign, we will have 16 teams in divisions 1, 2, 3, & 4 and 15 teams in divisions 5.  IF all teams do re-enter then the make up of the league will be as shown on the 'tables' page.

If your team is struggling for players, please let us know. One teams demise maybe another teams salvation.  I know there are teams out there looking for players, so share it here.  Let’s keep playing. 👍

If any Team wants a Rule Book then please contact me (Keith), text, email or in person and I will print one off for you.  They will then be handed out at our first meeting on 13th September @ Westhill Social Club. 8pm.

Our Banter Board is back by popular demand, head to the Members Zone.  'Let that banter flow 10-4'.
Or why not become a News Reporter and write your team’s Match Report… go on give it a go, it's fun & it's free 👍🤣

Food:- If teams are not serving food after matches, please let us know.  You will be added to our 'No Food' list below.

Next Meeting is on Friday 13th September @ Westhill Social Club. 8pm

We don't do NO FOOD !  -  The following teams will not be serving food at home matches.
Div 1:- Charlton Aces, Chewton Exiles, Knighthawkes, Magpies, Roughedges,
Div 2:- Headless Chickens, Herberts,  
Div 3:- Gravediggers, Misfits, Pin Busters, Stones Cross, Young Gunz,  
Div 4:- Riverside Rollers,  
Div 5:- The Rec

These above teams will not expect to be served food at away matches.  Thank you.


Meeting Minutes (pdf)

 Skittle Forms (pdf)

First Meeting of the new season will be on Friday 13th September @ Westhill Social Club. 8pm

How our league is calculated:-  The league is controlled by a program called the 'Master Skittle Program',  It contains all fixtures, results, stats and all things needed to calculate the league tables.  It does this automatically once Graham has entered the weekly results (pins & points) for each team.  He then saves it to our 'Dropbox' folder, I then access this program and update the website.  The 'All Cups' program works in very much the same way.

The Paulton & District Skittle League

Chairman Paul Derrick presenting this season's charity donation of £1,500
to Ruby Guymer-Parker from the RUH Charity Fund
at our AGM on Friday 14th June 2024.

See replies from RUH below.
PDSL - RUH Letter.pdf PDSL - RUH Letter.pdf
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PDSL Charity Donation-RUH.jpg PDSL Charity Donation-RUH.jpg
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We are now accepting Charity nominations for next season's donation.

Children's Hospice South West has asked if we would consider them as our charity for 2024-2025 season.
More information can be found here...  Open Gardens | Children's Hospice South West (

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