Paulton & District Skittle League

>>> League Match Results <<<

You can use our online Results Form or WhatsApp Neil on 07498 680813.  Please send your match result in asap after the match - Thank you.  If your scores appear incorrect please inform me (Keith).

All results will show on original Week/Date !   i.e. - If you postpone a game on week 8 then play that game on week 15, the result will show on week 8, (original week).  Not on week 15.

L = Late Result
Capital  P = Team Postponed the Match
   Lower case  p = Opposition postponed the Match.
Week 9 Week 10
20-Nov-24 21-Nov-24 27-Nov-24 28-Nov-24
Division  ONE Pins Pts Pts Pins Week 9 Division  ONE Pins Pts Pts Pins Week 10
Barking Hounds 284 6 0 244 Jack's Blades Farmborough 275 6 0 243 Barking Hounds
Charlton Aces 279 0 6 307 Purnells C.Club Jack's Blades 338 6 0 311 Pathetic Sharks
Chewton Exiles 330 2 4 339 St Josephs Magpies 342 4 2 323 Charlton Aces
Happy Wanderers 275 5 1 252 Farmborough Purnells C.Club 299 6 0 279 Chewton Exiles
High Park 305 2 4 331 Winsleys Roughedges 358 5 1 339 Mid Norton C.Club
Knighthawkes 296 4 2 293 Magpies Seven To One 300 0 6 315 Happy Wanderers
Mid Norton C.Club 367 6 0 324 Seven To One St Josephs 271 6 0 238 High Park
Pathetic Sharks 326 0 6 354 Roughedges Winsleys 279 6 0 264 Knighthawkes
Division  TWO 0 0 Week 9 Division  TWO 0 0 Week 10
Chilli Crew 312 6 0 298 Mendip Boys Alleywhackers 291 4 2 290 P.O.W. Exiles
Clutton Social Club 268 0 6 292 Rob's 8 Club A 282 2 4 305 Chilli Crew
Headless Chickens 0 p P 0 Club A Fly By Nights 296 3 3 296 Railway Ravers
P.O.W. Exiles 291 6 0 264 Herberts Herberts 321 6 0 291 Rancid Gruellers
Railway Ravers 314 4 2 305 Octavo Mendip Boys 285 4 2 273 Clutton Social Club
Rancid Gruellers 348 4 2 332 Fly By Nights Octavo 322 2 4 323 Split Happens
Split Happens 0 L L 0 Alleywhackers Rob's 8 281 2 4 291 The 'B' Team
The 'B' Team 316 1 5 319 Skyvers Skyvers 320 2 4 324 Headless Chickens
Division  THREE 0 0 Week 9 Division  THREE 0 0 Week 10
Lionhearts 326 4 2 319 The Gravediggers Allsorts 328 6 0 310 Lionhearts
Lofty's 8 335 6 0 318 Beerbellies Beerbellies 319 5 1 317 Pin Busters
Making up the Numbers 315 4 2 311 Nobby's Nuts Nobby's Nuts 308 4 2 307 The Specials
Norton Legion 273 0 6 299 Stones Cross Rebels 303 0 6 317 Norton Legion
Pin Busters 301 0 6 322 Templars Stones Cross 319 2 4 321 Young Gunz
The Specials 312 6 0 289 Rebels Templars 316 6 0 294 The Wasters
The Wasters 295 6 0 235 Allsorts The Gravediggers 286 6 0 238 Lofty's 8
Young Gunz 310 4 2 287 The Misfits The Misfits 232 0 6 268 Making up the Numbers
Division  FOUR 0 0 Week 9 Division  FOUR 0 0 Week 10
Bonus Balls 313 2 4 316 Smilies Alley Cats 0 p P 0 Mat Thumpers
Camshafters 319 6 0 295 Sopranos Haydon Hurricans 291 0 6 315 Odds & Sods
Docile Drifters 321 2 4 327 Riverside Rollers Madhatters 273 2 4 291 Docile Drifters
Fosseway Exiles 321 6 0 306 Haydon Hurricans Nine Left Standing 288 6 0 256 Fosseway Exiles
Frolicking Farmers 250 2 4 254 Nine Left Standing Prattens A 292 6 0 263 Frolicking Farmers
Headhunters 275 6 0 255 Madhatters Riverside Rollers 313 0 6 352 Bonus Balls
Mat Thumpers 289 6 0 278 Prattens A Smilies 0 L L 0 Camshafters
Odds & Sods 313 4 2 312 Alley Cats Sopranos 319 6 0 295 Headhunters
Division  FIVE 0 0 Week 9 Division  FIVE 0 0 Week 10
617 Squadron 295 4 2 293 Rawdoggers Dambusters 0 p P 0 Mission Impossible
Artic Blonde 267 0 6 308 Large and in Charge Large and in Charge 317 6 0 305 Red Lion Diamonds
Bees Knees 307 0 6 322 The Muppets Mardons 8 323 6 0 289 The Rec
Crossway Taverners 263 0 6 275 Mardons 8 Rawdoggers 293 0 6 310 Bees Knees
Ivor's 8 265 0 6 295 Dambusters Rob's Revival 304 6 0 261 Artic Blonde
Mission Impossible 305 6 0 287 Rob's Revival Tailenders 0 P p 0 Ivor's 8
Red Lion Diamonds 332 4 2 322 Tailenders The Muppets 306 6 0 286 Crossway Taverners
The Rec 246 2 4 260 Wobbly Pin Heads Wobbly Pin Heads 346 6 0 321 617 Squadron
Week 7 Week 8
30-Oct-24 31-Oct-24 06-Nov-24 07-Nov-24
Division  ONE Pins Pts Pts Pins Week 7 Division  ONE Pins Pts Pts Pins Week 8
Barking Hounds 293 6 0 255 Charlton Aces Charlton Aces 284 2 4 287 Pathetic Sharks
Farmborough 257 2 4 271 St Josephs Chewton Exiles 0 p P 0 Mid Norton C.Club
Happy Wanderers 291 6 0 259 Knighthawkes High Park 333 4 2 307 Happy Wanderers
Jack's Blades 298 0 6 344 Winsleys Knighthawkes 299 6 0 255 Barking Hounds
Mid Norton C.Club 376 4 2 369 High Park Magpies 329 6 0 303 Jack's Blades
Pathetic Sharks 337 0 6 377 Purnells C.Club Purnells C.Club 303 4 2 294 Roughedges
Roughedges 347 0 6 379 Magpies St Josephs 215 2 4 225 Seven To One
Seven To One 286 2 4 319 Chewton Exiles Winsleys 298 6 0 260 Farmborough
Division  TWO 0 0 Week 7 Division  TWO 0 0 Week 8
Alleywhackers 273 0 6 335 Rob's 8 Chilli Crew 279 0 6 301 Rancid Gruellers
Fly By Nights 307 4 2 302 Chilli Crew Club A 294 6 0 290 Herberts
Herberts 315 3 3 315 Skyvers Clutton Social Club 293 5 1 285 Railway Ravers
Octavo 335 6 0 307 Mendip Boys Headless Chickens 321 2 4 343 P.O.W. Exiles
P.O.W. Exiles 245 0 6 279 Club A Mendip Boys 274 6 0 247 Fly By Nights
Railway Ravers 320 6 0 311 The 'B' Team Rob's 8 276 6 0 253 Octavo
Rancid Gruellers 338 6 0 327 Clutton Social Club Skyvers 320 6 0 294 Alleywhackers
Split Happens 281 0 6 303 Headless Chickens The 'B' Team 302 2 4 316 Split Happens
Division  THREE 0 0 Week 7 Division  THREE 0 0 Week 8
Allsorts 317 6 0 291 Rebels Making up the Numbers 293 2 4 301 Lofty's 8
Beerbellies 329 6 0 290 The Misfits Nobby's Nuts 314 4 2 299 Beerbellies
Lionhearts 316 2 4 320 Making up the Numbers Norton Legion 293 2 4 304 The Wasters
Lofty's 8 344 2 4 347 The Specials Rebels 308 0 6 340 Templars
Pin Busters 283 2 4 301 Norton Legion Stones Cross 336 2 4 338 Allsorts
Templars 302 6 0 285 Nobby's Nuts The Misfits 246 0 6 285 The Gravediggers
The Gravediggers 269 0 6 302 Young Gunz The Specials 298 4 2 291 Pin Busters
The Wasters 271 1 5 280 Stones Cross Young Gunz 321 6 0 285 Lionhearts
Division  FOUR 0 0 Week 7 Division  FOUR 0 0 Week 8
Bonus Balls 311 4 2 295 Odds & Sods Alley Cats 329 2 4 335 Riverside Rollers
Camshafters 322 6 0 300 Mat Thumpers Fosseway Exiles 315 4 2 310 Headhunters
Docile Drifters 311 2 4 329 Alley Cats Frolicking Farmers 274 4 2 268 Camshafters
Headhunters 283 6 0 235 Frolicking Farmers Haydon Hurricans 282 6 0 265 Madhatters
Madhatters 295 4 2 287 Fosseway Exiles Mat Thumpers 320 0 6 333 Bonus Balls
Riverside Rollers 292 5 1 280 Prattens A Nine Left Standing 266 5 1 264 Sopranos
Smilies 339 6 0 296 Nine Left Standing Odds & Sods 330 6 0 295 Docile Drifters
Sopranos 0 p P 0 Haydon Hurricans Prattens A 288 1 5 291 Smilies
Division  FIVE 0 0 Week 7 Division  FIVE 0 0 Week 8
617 Squadron 295 2 4 305 Tailenders Artic Blonde 269 6 0 235 The Rec
Bees Knees 308 1 5 315 Red Lion Diamonds Dambusters 285 2 4 286 The Muppets
Crossway Taverners 286 4 2 282 Ivor's 8 Ivor's 8 273 0 6 304 Bees Knees
Mardons 8 283 2 4 286 Large and in Charge Large and in Charge 337 6 0 283 Wobbly Pin Heads
Rawdoggers 297 4 2 286 Dambusters Mission Impossible 309 4 2 283 Crossway Taverners
The Muppets 262 4 2 258 Rob's Revival Red Lion Diamonds 311 0 6 331 617 Squadron
The Rec 224 0 6 238 Mission Impossible Rob's Revival 270 4 2 256 Mardons 8
Wobbly Pin Heads 334 6 0 302 Artic Blonde Tailenders 291 4 2 279 Rawdoggers
Week 5 Week 6
16-Oct-24 17-Oct-24 23-Oct-24 24-Oct-24
Division  ONE Pins Pts Pts Pins Week 5 Division  ONE Pins Pts Pts Pins Week 6
Barking Hounds 266 0 6 287 Purnells C.Club Charlton Aces 278 3 3 278 Roughedges
Farmborough 244 0 6 306 Chewton Exiles Chewton Exiles 321 4 2 312 Happy Wanderers
Happy Wanderers 280 6 0 266 Charlton Aces High Park 326 6 0 302 Barking Hounds
Jack's Blades 325 6 0 304 St Josephs Knighthawkes 286 6 0 235 Pathetic Sharks
Mid Norton C.Club 384 6 0 359 Knighthawkes Magpies 316 0 6 333 Farmborough
Pathetic Sharks 347 3 3 347 Magpies Purnells C.Club 308 6 0 286 Jack's Blades
Roughedges 341 4 2 334 Winsleys St Josephs 271 1 5 295 Mid Norton C.Club
Seven To One 280 2 4 293 High Park Winsleys 266 2 4 273 Seven To One
Division  TWO 0 0 Week 5 Division  TWO 0 0 Week 6
Alleywhackers 289 0 6 303 Mendip Boys Chilli Crew 314 6 0 274 Railway Ravers
Fly By Nights 309 2 4 313 Clutton Social Club Club A 297 2 4 314 Alleywhackers
Herberts 316 4 2 301 Rob's 8 Clutton Social Club 317 1 5 320 Split Happens
Octavo 310 2 4 320 Chilli Crew Headless Chickens 314 2 4 321 Herberts
P.O.W. Exiles 265 6 0 246 Skyvers Mendip Boys 282 4 2 272 Rancid Gruellers
Railway Ravers 300 0 6 324 Headless Chickens Rob's 8 306 6 0 274 Fly By Nights
Rancid Gruellers 320 2 4 322 The 'B' Team Skyvers 310 0 6 336 Octavo
Split Happens 287 4 2 286 Club A The 'B' Team 313 4 2 297 P.O.W. Exiles
Division  THREE 0 0 Week 5 Division  THREE 0 0 Week 6
Allsorts 331 4 2 314 Nobby's Nuts Making up the Numbers 263 2 4 267 Pin Busters
Beerbellies 321 0 6 337 Young Gunz Nobby's Nuts 309 1 5 311 The Gravediggers
Lionhearts 314 0 6 326 The Specials Norton Legion 300 2 4 305 Allsorts
Lofty's 8 347 6 0 336 Norton Legion Rebels 339 6 0 284 Beerbellies
Pin Busters 280 2 4 303 Stones Cross Stones Cross 334 0 6 342 Templars
Templars 302 6 0 237 The Misfits The Misfits 246 5 1 235 Lionhearts
The Gravediggers 280 4 2 277 Making up the Numbers The Specials 324 6 0 289 The Wasters
The Wasters 274 0 6 309 Rebels Young Gunz 305 4 2 288 Lofty's 8
Division  FOUR 0 0 Week 5 Division  FOUR 0 0 Week 6
Bonus Balls 314 2 4 335 Alley Cats Alley Cats 336 6 0 321 Smilies
Camshafters 316 6 0 311 Odds & Sods Fosseway Exiles 328 2 4 341 Camshafters
Docile Drifters 318 4 2 316 Prattens A Frolicking Farmers 306 0 6 339 Bonus Balls
Headhunters 279 1 5 300 Mat Thumpers Haydon Hurricans 0 p P 0 Headhunters
Madhatters 288 0 6 300 Frolicking Farmers Mat Thumpers 322 6 0 297 Docile Drifters
Riverside Rollers 364 6 0 306 Nine Left Standing Nine Left Standing 248 4 2 242 Madhatters
Smilies 280 0 6 312 Haydon Hurricans Odds & Sods 288 1 5 313 Riverside Rollers
Sopranos 299 4 2 293 Fosseway Exiles Prattens A 281 4 2 278 Sopranos
Division  FIVE 0 0 Week 5 Division  FIVE 0 0 Week 6
617 Squadron 282 4 2 279 Dambusters Artic Blonde 276 4 2 270 Crossway Taverners
Bees Knees 322 6 0 306 Tailenders Dambusters 272 0 6 305 Mardons 8
Crossway Taverners 281 6 0 266 Red Lion Diamonds Ivor's 8 272 2 4 298 617 Squadron
Mardons 8 290 2 4 299 Artic Blonde Large and in Charge 0 p P 0 The Rec
Rawdoggers 283 2 4 296 Rob's Revival Mission Impossible 280 2 4 296 Bees Knees
The Muppets 286 6 0 260 Large and in Charge Red Lion Diamonds 310 2 4 331 Rawdoggers
The Rec 206 0 6 229 Ivor's 8 Rob's Revival 265 2 4 271 Wobbly Pin Heads
Wobbly Pin Heads 335 6 0 328 Mission Impossible Tailenders 285 6 0 273 The Muppets
Week 3 Week 4
02-Oct-24 03-Oct-24 09-Oct-24 10-Oct-24
Division  ONE Pins Pts Pts Pins Week 3 Division  ONE Pins Pts Pts Pins Week 4
Barking Hounds 291 0 6 314 Magpies Charlton Aces 276 6 0 251 Jack's Blades
Farmborough 262 6 0 232 High Park Chewton Exiles 343 6 0 308 Barking Hounds
Happy Wanderers 276 2 4 285 Purnells C.Club High Park 311 6 0 310 Pathetic Sharks
Jack's Blades 301 0 6 333 Chewton Exiles Knighthawkes 286 6 0 259 Roughedges
Mid Norton C.Club 390 6 0 342 Charlton Aces Magpies 324 4 2 313 Seven To One
Pathetic Sharks 365 4 2 347 Winsleys Purnells C.Club 301 6 0 285 Farmborough
Roughedges 356 6 0 330 St Josephs St Josephs 260 2 4 272 Happy Wanderers
Seven To One 278 0 6 303 Knighthawkes Winsleys 262 2 4 278 Mid Norton C.Club
Division  TWO 0 0 Week 3 Division  TWO 0 0 Week 4
Alleywhackers 305 2 4 307 Chilli Crew Chilli Crew 269 0 6 298 Split Happens
Fly By Nights 298 2 4 310 The 'B' Team Club A 298 6 0 293 Octavo
Herberts 313 6 0 303 Mendip Boys Clutton Social Club 297 4 2 293 P.O.W. Exiles
Octavo 327 6 0 319 Clutton Social Club Headless Chickens 313 2 4 316 Alleywhackers
P.O.W. Exiles 264 6 0 248 Rob's 8 Mendip Boys 276 4 2 273 Railway Ravers
Railway Ravers 305 4 2 292 Club A Rob's 8 286 4 2 285 Rancid Gruellers
Rancid Gruellers 314 4 2 309 Headless Chickens Skyvers 348 6 0 317 Fly By Nights
Split Happens 305 2 4 334 Skyvers The 'B' Team 304 2 4 307 Herberts
Division  THREE 0 0 Week 3 Division  THREE 0 0 Week 4
Allsorts 325 6 0 269 The Misfits Making up the Numbers 326 6 0 285 The Wasters
Beerbellies 318 4 2 317 Making up the Numbers Nobby's Nuts 306 6 0 283 Lionhearts
Lionhearts 314 6 0 291 Norton Legion Norton Legion 280 0 6 300 Templars
Lofty's 8 312 0 6 357 Stones Cross Rebels 323 4 2 304 The Gravediggers
Pin Busters 301 6 0 277 Rebels Stones Cross 317 4 2 316 Beerbellies
Templars 307 4 2 300 Young Gunz The Misfits 250 5 1 244 Lofty's 8
The Gravediggers 251 0 6 299 The Specials The Specials 297 6 0 282 Allsorts
The Wasters 277 0 6 306 Nobby's Nuts Young Gunz 288 1 5 310 Pin Busters
Division  FOUR 0 0 Week 3 Division  FOUR 0 0 Week 4
Bonus Balls 314 0 6 327 Prattens A Alley Cats 343 4 2 335 Sopranos
Camshafters 310 0 6 325 Alley Cats Fosseway Exiles 321 4 2 311 Bonus Balls
Docile Drifters 297 0 6 329 Nine Left Standing Frolicking Farmers 283 0 6 300 Docile Drifters
Headhunters 282 6 0 255 Odds & Sods Haydon Hurricans 286 6 0 267 Camshafters
Madhatters 299 2 4 317 Mat Thumpers Mat Thumpers 287 4 2 286 Riverside Rollers
Riverside Rollers 328 6 0 302 Haydon Hurricans Nine Left Standing 257 4 2 247 Headhunters
Smilies 310 4 2 307 Fosseway Exiles Odds & Sods 297 2 4 307 Smilies
Sopranos 276 2 4 280 Frolicking Farmers Prattens A 290 2 4 292 Madhatters
Division  FIVE 0 0 Week 3 Division  FIVE 0 0 Week 4
617 Squadron 280 0 6 291 Rob's Revival Artic Blonde 288 6 0 286 Bees Knees
Bees Knees 310 6 0 299 Dambusters Dambusters 289 2 4 307 Wobbly Pin Heads
Crossway Taverners 261 0 6 293 Tailenders Ivor's 8 298 4 2 269 Rawdoggers
Mardons 8 265 2 4 278 Mission Impossible Large and in Charge 315 0 6 325 Crossway Taverners
Rawdoggers 273 0 6 285 Large and in Charge Mission Impossible 279 4 2 264 617 Squadron
The Muppets 281 6 0 267 Artic Blonde Red Lion Diamonds 309 0 6 334 The Muppets
The Rec 230 0 6 241 Red Lion Diamonds Rob's Revival 271 6 0 229 The Rec
Wobbly Pin Heads 363 6 0 318 Ivor's 8 Tailenders 239 3 3 239 Mardons 8
Week 1 Week 2
18-Sep-24 19-Sep-24 25-Sep-24 26-Sep-24
Division  ONE Pins Pts Pts Pins Week 29 Division  ONE Pins Pts Pts Pins Week 29
Barking Hounds 277 6 0 256 Winsleys Charlton Aces 296 6 0 261 Farmborough
Farmborough 289 6 0 233 Knighthawkes Chewton Exiles 343 6 0 294 Pathetic Sharks
Happy Wanderers 278 4 2 276 Magpies High Park 325 6 0 300 Roughedges
Jack's Blades 319 2 4 328 High Park Knighthawkes 263 5 1 235 Jack's Blades
Mid Norton C.Club 379 2 4 397 Purnells C.Club Magpies 348 6 0 316 Mid Norton C.Club
Pathetic Sharks 369 6 0 339 St Josephs Purnells C.Club 309 6 0 288 Seven To One
Roughedges 319 0 6 356 Chewton Exiles St Josephs 0 p P 0 Barking Hounds
Seven To One 307 6 0 278 Charlton Aces Winsleys 274 2 4 281 Happy Wanderers
Division  TWO 0 0 Week 1 Division  TWO 0 0 Week 2
Alleywhackers 300 1 5 312 Clutton Social Club Chilli Crew 279 4 2 272 P.O.W. Exiles
Fly By Nights 303 6 0 289 Headless Chickens Club A 294 5 1 285 Fly By Nights
Herberts 283 0 6 305 Chilli Crew Clutton Social Club 288 4 2 280 Herberts
Octavo 331 2 4 350 The 'B' Team Headless Chickens 319 0 6 339 Octavo
P.O.W. Exiles 257 5 1 245 Mendip Boys Mendip Boys 236 2 4 274 Split Happens
Railway Ravers 334 4 2 293 Skyvers Rob's 8 276 0 6 282 Railway Ravers
Rancid Gruellers 323 2 4 326 Club A Skyvers 323 1 5 331 Rancid Gruellers
Split Happens 289 2 4 303 Rob's 8 The 'B' Team 312 0 6 314 Alleywhackers
Division  THREE 0 0 Week 1 Division  THREE 0 0 Week 2
Allsorts 320 4 2 315 Young Gunz Making up the Numbers 295 4 2 291 Allsorts
Beerbellies 348 4 2 331 The Specials Nobby's Nuts 301 6 0 290 Lofty's 8
Lionhearts 307 2 4 310 Stones Cross Norton Legion 303 6 0 291 Beerbellies
Lofty's 8 357 2 4 359 Rebels Rebels 340 6 0 291 Lionhearts
Pin Busters 309 4 2 295 Nobby's Nuts Stones Cross 339 4 2 335 The Gravediggers
Templars 298 6 0 290 Making up the Numbers The Misfits 263 6 0 237 Pin Busters
The Gravediggers 274 4 2 262 Norton Legion The Specials 321 6 0 287 Templars
The Wasters 0 P p 0 The Misfits Young Gunz 0 p P 0 The Wasters
Division  FOUR 0 0 Week 1 Division  FOUR 0 0 Week 2
Bonus Balls 320 4 2 300 Nine Left Standing Alley Cats 331 6 0 293 Madhatters
Camshafters 311 4 2 293 Prattens A Fosseway Exiles 297 2 4 302 Docile Drifters
Docile Drifters 293 2 4 296 Haydon Hurricans Frolicking Farmers 269 4 2 260 Riverside Rollers
Headhunters 296 6 0 238 Alley Cats Haydon Hurricans 288 6 0 273 Bonus Balls
Madhatters 290 4 2 278 Odds & Sods Mat Thumpers 286 2 4 290 Smilies
Riverside Rollers 323 6 0 292 Fosseway Exiles Nine Left Standing 287 6 0 249 Camshafters
Smilies 314 6 0 296 Frolicking Farmers Odds & Sods 319 6 0 256 Sopranos
Sopranos 282 0 6 305 Mat Thumpers Prattens A 275 4 2 274 Headhunters
Division  FIVE 0 0 Week 1 Division  FIVE 0 0 Week 2
617 Squadron 287 0 6 316 Large and in Charge Artic Blonde 267 3 3 267 617 Squadron
Bees Knees 304 3 3 304 Rob's Revival Dambusters 303 6 0 255 The Rec
Crossway Taverners 292 6 0 277 Dambusters Ivor's 8 277 0 6 293 The Muppets
Mardons 8 272 4 2 262 Ivor's 8 Large and in Charge 305 3 3 305 Bees Knees
Rawdoggers 284 4 2 273 Artic Blonde Mission Impossible 293 0 6 310 Rawdoggers
The Muppets 304 4 2 276 Mission Impossible Red Lion Diamonds 318 6 0 290 Mardons 8
The Rec 218 0 6 259 Tailenders Rob's Revival 269 4 2 254 Crossway Taverners
Wobbly Pin Heads 337 6 0 315 Red Lion Diamonds Tailenders 291 4 2 275 Wobbly Pin Heads

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