Paulton & District Skittle League

Paulton & District Skittle League Rules

Season  2024 – 2025

Amendments highlighted in Red

Special Rule 1 - Fees

League Fees of £100 to be paid by all teams by the first meeting in September.  This will cover all league & cup fees, score books and charity levy for the season.  85% will go to the league & 15% to a nominated charity.   With 80 teams our charity donation will be £1,200.   If teams haven’t paid their league fees by a final date set by the Treasurer, they could be deducted points or expelled from the league.

(If any team resigns from the league during the season their league fees will not be refunded)


Special Rule 2 - AGM

Any and all proposals or members wanting to be elected on to the board or committee must be sent in writing to the league secretary at least one week prior to the AGM.  The committee will then discuss the proposals and accept or reject them.  Only accepted proposals will be put to the members to be voted on.

Special Rule 3 - Conduct/Behaviour

Anyone acting in a violent, abusive or anti-social manner at a skittle match, league meeting or function, will be dealt with by the League Management Committee, who will determine what action to take.



General Rules 2024 – 2025


1.    The League Management Committee.  To consist of a duly elected President, Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer & the Website Manager, plus representatives from teams in the league.

2.    Headquarters.  No particular place to be named as Headquarters.  Venues for the AGM and general league meetings to be selected by the League Secretary where a separate room and car parking facilities are available.  All league meetings start at 8pm.

3.    Voting.  Each team to be entitled to only one vote on any matter put to a vote at league meetings.

4.    Fixtures.  All teams entering or re-entering the league must be able to play all their league matches without conflict of time or venue and in accordance with league fixtures.

5.    League Constitution.  To be drawn up by the League Secretary at the start of each season. It will comprise of five divisions of sixteen teams.  If less than 80 teams apply to re-enter or enter the league the six divisions will be adjusted accordingly with Free Spaces.  At the end of each season the top 3 teams in divisions 2 to 5 inclusive will be promoted and the bottom 3 teams in divisions 1 to 4 will be relegated.  In the event of two or more teams tying for promotion/ relegation/League Champions or wooden spoon the outcome will be decided by the head-to-head between the teams involved, first on points then on pins. If this is not decisive, a play-off on a neutral alley will take place.

 6.   Resignation.  If a team resigns after the league has been constituted the secretary can accept another team to fill the vacancy, this team will assume the vacant position for the coming season only.  If placed in a higher division then they will be relegated to the bottom division irrespective of final position.  The team will receive prizes if appropriate.  The constitution of the league will then be restored by promoting teams as necessary.  If a team resigns once the season has begun then all league points awarded to opposition teams in respect of matches played with that team shall be adjusted by the league secretary.

7.    All matches must be played.  No team may postpone a league match without first notifying the League Secretary. Teams must give at least 24 hours’ notice to the opposing captain or they will be liable for any expenses incurred by the opposing team up to a maximum of £31 (£16 for Sticker-up & £15 for food).   Teams who do not complete all their league fixtures will be dealt with by the league management committee.  This could lead to points being deducted for offending teams.

8.   Postponed/Void Matches. If the HOME team postpones a match it must be re-arranged and played before the final meeting of the season.  If the AWAY team postpones the match; then this now puts the responsibility on the home team to rearrange the match. The home team now has to give the away team one new date.  If the away team does not accept this new date then they will forfeit the match and the 6 points shall be awarded to the home team.  Dates given must not to coincide with league or cup matches and before the final meeting of the season. The league secretary must be informed of all rearranged match dates.

9. All matches to start at 8.45pm.  Late starts should be reported by either captain to the League Secretary.  Persistent late starts will not be tolerated and could result in points being deducted or expulsion from the league.

10.  Teams shall consist of 8 players.  To be played in two halves and consist of 6 legs per player.  If any player ‘called away’ during the match or is arriving late for a leg he/she is due to play then they shall be awarded the lowest score (from both teams) that leg.  This does not apply for players who do not turn up for the match.  Any team with less than 7 players the match will be Void and referred to The League Management Committee LMC, who will determine what action to take and award points according to circumstance.

11.   Scoring.  A match shall be decided by the number of pins knocked down, all spares shall be eligible for scoring.  League matches scoring shall be 2 points for winning the first half, 2 points for winning the second half, and a further 2 points for winning the game.  One points each for any tie and nil points for a loss. The maximum for each game is 6 points.

12.  Match Results.  Home teams are responsible for forwarded all result cards to the league secretary by the Tuesday morning following the playing of the match or by sending a WhatsApp text/pic to the Results Co-ordinator within 48 hrs.   Cards/Texts/pics must show team/players names, date, pins & points, and be signed by both team captains.

13.  Any team whose name incorporates the Pub or Club where they play shall not be allowed to change their name or alley without permission from their Landlord or Club Committee.

14.  Score Books. All team to have a Skittle Score Book & score cards if required, which must include a record of player’s names, scores and matches played.

15.  Sticker Up Fees. The home team shall be responsible for providing & paying the sticker up (min of £16).  For all cup semi-finals, finals, SotY play offs and finals the league will pay the sticker up fees of £20.  No food will be served at these events.

16.  The visiting team shall play with the type of balls and pins provided by the home team. The size of balls and pins shall be as in general use.

17.  Pins leaving the diamond are deemed knocked down.  Balls not to be returned to the throwing area until all three balls have been delivered.

18.  If the front pin, front quarters or centre pins are distinguishable from the rest of the pins they are to be used as such.   If they are not distinguishable then the pins can be erected in any position. Weighted pins or balls are not allowed.

19.  No Ball.  Players, when throwing must not advance beyond the line and the ball when delivered must land behind the line.  Violation of this rule shall be deemed a ‘no-ball’.  All pins knocked down by a ‘no-ball’ will not be erected and the ball will not be returned. If the captains cannot agree, the dispute shall be decided by the toss of a coin.  If the captain is not present a member of the team must assume responsibility for captaincy.

20.  Cush Ball.  Pins knocked down by a ball which hits the side of the alley before reaching the diamond, shall be deemed a cush-ball’, pins shall be re-erected but the ball not returned.

21.  The league recommends there be 12ft between the overthrow line and the heel board, back wall or spectators.

22.  Transfers.  No player shall play for more than one team without a transfer.  Transfer forms can be obtained from the league secretary of from the website.  The forms must be signed by all parties before being returned to the leagues secretary for approval.  Any player having already played in a cup competition shall be deemed ‘cup tied’ and will not be allowed to play for any other team in that competition.  Any team that plays an ineligible player will be deducted 6 points for league games or if a cup game their opponent will be awarded the round.

23.  Make up of the CupsKnock Out Cup – Open to all teams.   Nomination Cup – Open to Div 1 & 2 teams.  Knock Out Plate – Open to Div 3, 4, & 5 teams.  The first round of these competitions to be drawn by the league secretary and played over the first two weeks of the season.

24.  All Cup Matches.  Round 1:  Failure to play your Cup/Nomination/Plate match on the dates set by the league secretary will result in the offending team forfeiting/conceding the match.  From Round 2 onwards the home team must give their opponent two dates in separate weeks within one week of the meeting/draw, not coincide with league matches.  The away team must accept one of these dates given within seven days.  If the Home alley is not available then the Away team shall give two dates within 14 days of the draw.  If the Home and Away alleys are not available, a neutral alley may be arranged.  Saturday’s & Sunday’s are not accepted as normal match days unless both captains agree.  All matches must be played on or before the next meeting or pre-arranged date.  Any disputes will be dealt with by the League Management Committee who will determine what action to take, this could mean elimination from the competition for the offending team/teams.

25.  Tied Cup Matches. In the event of a tie in a Cup competition, or play off, the second four players of both teams concerned must play extra legs until a result is obtained.  Winners of cup games played on the night of the meeting/cup draw must notify their next round opponents as soon as possible.

26.  Cup Semi-Finals & Finals.  The league secretary will select suitable venues for all semi-finals and finals.  The league will also provide stickers ups, markers / adjudicators.  At all semi-finals and finals a coin toss shall decide who goes first /second.

27.  Skittler of the Year.  All teams must send a representative to enter this Individual Tournament. The initial qualifying rounds will be spread over four ‘play offs’ sections, with the 4 top scores in each section qualifying for the Final.   In the event of a tie a 3 ball play off will decide the qualifiers.  Prizes given for first, second, third and fourth places in each play-off section and Grand Final prizes for Tournament Winner, Runner Up and Third place. No substitutes will be allowed in the Final. The league secretary will arrange when and where the Play Off’s and final will take place.

28.  Highest individual score for the season will count in ANY match.

29.  All protest must be lodged with the League Secretary within 7 days of the match.

30.  Persistent Infringement of any of these rules will be dealt with by the League Management Committee, who also have the power to adjudicate in any matter covered or not in these rules. Offenders could be warned of future conduct, deducted points.  In severe cases refused re-entry for the following season or expelled from the league.

Presentation of trophies & prize money will be at the AGM at the end of the season.

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