Sponsoring our league & advertising on our website.
A full 12 months advertising.
Yes, a whole years sponsorship on our website starts from as little as £25, and it's as easy as A B C.
A. Simply select your ad option from the list below.
B. Contact us using the 'Sponsorship Form' below. (we may then contact you to discuss your ad)
C. Send us your design/logo plus a cheque/BACS payment for the appropriate fee and that's it.
Your ad will be displayed on the page of your choice, where it will remain for a whole year.
If you wish to alter your ad, please let us know and it will be done free of charge, it's all part of the service.
We can even link your website through your ad. Invoices/Receipts can be supplied upon request.
Our season starts in September and we renew all our ads in August ready for the start of the new season.
The Paulton & District Skittle League
Over 90 years in the making !
Option 1
This is a MAIN SPONSOR (see below) and placed at the top of any of our main pages that are not already taken. We will also link your ad to your website or Facebook page and also entered into our rule books & publications. Banner size 940 x 200 pixels.
Hot Deal - This option now includes one Free Standard ad ad (Aug-Aug). Fee £100 per year.
Option 2
This is a Sponsor Banner (see below) and placed at the top of any of our other pages that are not already taken. We will also link your ad to your website or Facebook page and also entered into our rule books & publications.
Banner size 940 x 200 pixels. (Aug-Aug). Fee £50 per year.
Option 3 (Large Ad)
This is at least twice the size of our standard ad (see below) We will also link your ad to your website or Facebook page and also entered into our rule books & publications.
(Aug-Aug). Fee £50 per year.
Option 4 (Animated gif Ad)
This can be 3 or 4 pictures which constantly change (see below) and usually placed on our popular 'Tables' page and also entered into our rule books & publications. (Sept-Aug). Fee £50 per year.
Option 5 (Standard Ad)
This is a standard ad, slightly larger than a business card. (see below) and usually placed on our popular 'Tables' page. We will also link your ad to your website or Facebook page and also entered into our rule books & publications. (Aug-Aug). Fee £25 per year.
Option 6 (Standard Ad - 6 months special rate)
This is a standard ad, slightly larger than a business card. (see below) and usually placed on our popular 'Tables' page. We will also link your ad to your website or Facebook page and also entered into our rule books & publications. Fee £15 for 6 months. (usually from Jan to Aug)

Sponsorship Form
Bank: TSB
Account Name: Paulton & District Skittles League
Account Number: 30440960
Sort code: 30-95-57
Ref: Business Name / Invoice No.
