Paulton & District Skittle League

Skittler of the Year - Individual Tournament

Congratulations to this years winner - Richard Howe (Skyvers)
Thank you to all the teams & players that took part.

Skittler of the Year Play Offs

Will be posted here as soon
 as draw has been made !

Skittles, it's what your right arms for !
(unless your left handed 😀)

Richard Howe (Skyvers)  2023-2024
Clive Hobbs (The Specials)  2022-23
Jon Lovelady - (Purnells CC A) 2021-22
Dave Kerley - (Lionhearts)  2019-20
Tony Bennett - (Somer Sets)  2018-19
Paul Derrick - (POW Exiles)  2017-18
Ivan Stinchcombe - (Crown Jewels) 2016-17

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